Over the past 2 months, we have experienced both above average and below normal air temperatures. While March was relatively cool and wet, we did experience a 10-14 day stretch in April with temperatures in the upper 70s – 80s. Conversely, on May 12 there have been reports of Sleet in NE North Carolina! During much of this time, cool-season turfgrass species such as Bentgrass and Tall Fescue have been loving life. It’s been a different story for warm-season grasses.
Due to increased play over the past year during the COVID-19 pandemic, many golf courses have bermudagrass stands that have experienced a tremendous amount of wear and tear. Combine this with cool, wet weather this spring, many acres are struggling to resume active growth. The good news is, WE LOOK TO HAVE SOME IDEAL TEMPERATURES ON THE WAY!
Starting this weekend, daily air temperatures will rise from mid-70s into the lower 80s by the end of next week. More importantly, nighttime air temperatures are forecasted to be in the upper 50s and lower 60s. As we near the mid-way point in May, this is likely an indication that summer is right around the corner and increased bermudagrass growth is upon us.
This upcoming period is an excellent time to apply fertilizers that are packaged to generate an immediate plant response. This is most appropriate on those areas that have experienced excessive traffic over the past year and throughout the winter. With warmer air temperatures continuing to increase soil temps, nitrogen uptake will increase and active bermudagrass growth will resume. We have a complete portfolio of professional fertilizer products to meet need of all applications. From various SGN sizes, granular vs. liquid, and custom blend capabilities, Our Team of experienced professionals can provide you the service and product that meets the needs of your unique situation.
We look forward to serving your fertilizer needs and be sure to get those mower blades sharpened because IT’S TIME TO GROW SOME GRASS!!!