Happy New Year!
As we launch into the new year, be sure to check our Resources Page to find tools that may be helpful at your facility.
We have a unique Fertigation Pump Calibration Tool that EASILY generates micrometer settings for your Fertigation Pump. The required inputs are simple to enter, and after hitting “Calculate,” the correct pump setting will be auto-generated. Be sure to reach out to one of Sales Representatives with any questions about our liquid products and their use with fertigation!
The Tri-Link Nutrient Tracking Tool is a comprehensive tool which allows you to keep record of all nutrient applications. In one file, a manager can track individual applications, total monthly pounds on the ground, and generate summary tables and graphs that can be useful in presentations, etc. The only information required is product application rate, product analysis, and product weight per gallon (liquid only).
We’re excited to start a new year in 2021 and look forward to serving YOU. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!